The Program

It’s ironic, right? You are a high-achieving, successful professional, yet often, you feel like you’re not in control of your own life.

Over time, the same traits that help you achieve in your professional career start to turn on you. 
Your brain never stops, you’ve lost your space to retreat, especially now with boundaries between work, home, and school dissolving.
In bed you’re planning, you fall asleep (if you can sleep!) while thinking about what you have to do tomorrow. You wake up feeling behind instead of refreshed.
One day you realize that you are in an almost constant state of stress and anxiety.
I know this because 

I’ve been there too… 

In early 2012, life threw me a curveball. The most important mentor in my life died suddenly.
My marriage crumbled and I was left raising my daughter. I was working crazy hours running a business.
I went from a carefree young scuba instructor who swam with sharks to a lost, stressed, and out-of-control mother.
I put on weight. I didn’t even recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. 

But the worst part was the anger.
My anger was almost out of control. I could feel it eating away at me from within. 
And finally one day, I reached my lowest point. 
I collapsed after a major tantrum my daughter, age 4 at the time, threw – the dining room chairs were literally flying around, she was screaming, raging.

So here I am, a 36 year old woman, hiding behind the sofa in the living room, considering giving up on parenthood, giving up on her, giving up on me. It actually crossed my mind It would be better for her if I gave her up for adoption. Even as I write these words today it brings tears to my eyes. 

Yes, it got that bad. You see, I feared I would take out my rage on her and end up hitting my child. I was losing control of all aspects of my life.  I was literally and figuratively down on my knees.
And then something rose up inside of me… I remembered my grandmother’s gentle smile. She was the one who taught me how to talk about my feelings as a child and I could almost hear her say “you can do this, ask for help”.

It was at that exact moment that I decided to find help and make a massive change. 

It didn’t happen overnight. And I didn’t do it alone. 

Over the next two years, I changed my habits. My daughter and I went to therapy. 
I found the help I needed with new mentors and coaching programs. 
I found fulfillment in a new career. 
I began to treat myself better. I shed over 40 pounds.
The joyous free-spirited woman who swam with sharks finally started to show up in the mirror again. 
I parked the past and began living the life that I am here to live. 

 A happy and fulfilled life with close healthy relationships and a successful career.

Along this journey I discovered two secrets. 

  1. Many people who seem to have it all together on the outside are struggling behind the scenes. 
  2. I have a talent for helping other ambitious, competitive, high achieving parents who love their children deeply but are struggling to create a healthy home atmosphere. 

Why I’m doing what I am doing 

I believe this is a reason why I was led to my lowest point a few years ago.  
It is now my mission to help others to identify and overcome the issues that are undermining the very success we work so hard to achieve. To help others step out of overwhelm into clarity so they can connect with their children.

Being in control of your own thoughts and actions 

How would it feel to take a step back, calmly see what’s not working, and create a blueprint to get on top of your parenting game again?
Most of the time, we are our own worst enemies.  That is why it’s hard to break through these old patterns. 
How do we help our children grow and evolve? We enlist the teachers and coaches with the best experience, right? 

Guess what. You still deserve that, too. Sometimes you need a whole new perspective. Someone that’s been there, done that. 
I genuinely believe that I am here to help you with this. I provide a safe, structured, non-judgmental space to do this work together. Let’s get started.

The High Achieving Parents program – what does it entail?

Is a one-on-one coaching service tailored to the needs of those parents that are successful in their professional life but are having issues at home with their children.  

Some of the most common issues we as high achieving parents have are:

  • overcompensating for the lack of time spent with our kids, 
  • feeling guilty about not being there for them,
  • feeling disconnected from our children, 
  • feeling the lack of communication
  • frustration and anger building up both for the kids and ourselves
  • not really knowing what is going on with them 
  • running out of ideas on dealing with the tantrums, bad attitudes, aggressiveness, and self-harming behaviors. 

I will be honest with you – you probably think you have time, later, to deal with this. Yet if there is chaos and stress or major changes on the home front, every day you let that continue makes it harder to dig out later, if ever. 

We all  want  joy and fulfilment for ourselves and our entire family.

Do you want to walk into your home and feel like it’s a refuge instead of a battleground?
Imagine looking into your child’s eyes and seeing trust and respect reflected back, instead of fear or resentment.
Imagine coming home to a house filled with laughter and acceptance… instead of having to prepare for another round of kicking and screaming.
Imagine looking forward to spending time with your child instead of dreading it. 
Imagine if you didn’t have to carry the fear that you might lose grip and go too far one day. 
Imagine everyone going to bed with a smile and having a good night’s sleep.

Our kids don’t come with a manual when they are born, they each have their own personality as do we.
There is no perfect formula nor do I have a magic wand to make your worries go away.
I can however share the tools that have allowed me to make all of the above happen and I will guide you into course-correcting your parenting journey towards fulfillment.

So this is the path:.

  1. Get a grasp on the situation,
  2. Find clarity
  3. We make a plan
  4. I Provide you with the tools
  5. You transform the relationship with your children before it is too late.  

I’m here for you. Let’s set up a call so I may learn more about your situation.

I’ll help you:
Clarify what is happening and suggest an actionable outline for healing your family, tailored to the ages of your children and the status of your and your partner’s (if you have a partner at this time) relationship with them, for example, step-parenting / shared custody challenges.   

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