Flowing with co-parenting, Justin Reich

High-Achieving Parents Podcast EP 016

In this episode, we speak about co-parenting and the importance of how we set an example for our children. Justin Reich is a metabolic health expert, private personal trainer, and creator of the More Life Project.
His powerful mindset, discipline, and gentle heart bring the perfect combination for a present dad and coach altogether.

You can reach out to Justin on Facebook through his group facebook.com/groups/themorelifeproject and follow him on IG @Iamjustinreich

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Thoughts on grief, gratitude and connection – Nike Anani

High-Achieving Parents Podcast EP 014

Meet Nike Anani, Award-Winning Family Business Strategist. She specializes in guiding family-owned businesses in the transitions from one generation to another, securing generational wealth.

Nike is an author, international speaker, and podcaster from Nigeria, currently living in the USA. We speak about our recent loss of loved ones, the lessons grief can bring, and how to tap into our power to move forward. Nike shares how she and her husband made the decision to relocate from Lagos Nigeria to Texas and how she manages the stress and logistics of that move.

I encourage you to listen to her podcast “The connected generation” (https://wavve.link/connectedgeneration)

You can reach out to Nike on her website www.nikeanani.com  and on social media @nikeanani

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Bestselling Sci-Fi Author Rae Knightly

High-Achieving Parents Podcast Ep 003

Rae Knightly is a self-published author of The Alien Skill Series, an intriguing 6 volume Sci-fi adventure for teens.

In this episode, we dig into the habits of this Belgian-born Canadian resident and take a look behind the scenes of this High-Achieving wife and Mom of Elianne and Diego, ages 12 and 9. She shares how she found her passion for writing and has made it her sole profession, how she deals with working from home, homeschooling the kids, and how she manages to fit in quality time with her husband.

Order your copy of the Alien Skill Series on Amazon or https://www.raeknightly.com/books

Follow Rae for live updates and interact with her on Social Media:
FB @rae.knightly.37
IG @raeknightly

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The Cleaner Dad, a daughter’s best friend

High-Achieving Parents Podcast Ep 002 – James Fulford

Kicking off this first season of interviews with High-Achieving Parents, I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming James Fulford, a.k.a the Cleaner Dad, whom I met on the DnD mentoring program with our Coach Tim Grover.

James is retired from the US Airforce, yet a very active father of 6 between the ages of 29 and 10.
He has a bachelor’s degree in business, worked as a director of technology for the largest real estate firm in the world, is an associate pastor at his church, and is currently starting up a technology consulting business.

We explore his background, his upbringing, and his journey. 

How he turned a potentially very dark future into a brilliant one, filled with love, support, and communication within his family. He brings a powerful message of love, connection, and gratitude.

Follow James on FB https://www.facebook.com/fulforcelife/ 

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